In a world where modern culture continues to threaten indigenous ways of life, Seiba seeks to preserve and honor sacred cultures by keeping their traditions alive and supporting their creative voice.
Our mission is to bring greater recognition and reliable incomes to the individual artisans and craftspeople in the communities that need it most.
The indigenous communities residing in Chiapas are just one of many native cultures worldwide that face uncertain futures. Indigenous communities form the largest minority in the world and are often the most impoverished. Their culture and traditions are slowly being lost due to modernization, environmental changes, and lack of opportunities that force relocation.
Our goal is to build a bridge between these small communities and the first world, and in doing so, provide the gifted artisans with the means to overcome poverty while giving the end consumer a glimpse into the hardship and beauty of other ways of life.
We are dedicated to giving these artisans much-deserved credit for their hard work, sharing their art and stories with the world, and helping them establish the financial stability necessary to maintain their cultural identity.
By creating a deeper connection between the lives of the artisans and fashion+conscious consumers, Seiba seeks to create a sense of togetherness and unity in diversity.